The Political Fake News Quiz

Wondering if your ideology has warped your reality to the point that you can no longer tell fake news from real news? The quiz below presents a series of 10 statements published by Politifact. Your job is to decide which are facts and which are bogus. If you indicate your political leaning (liberal or conservative), the quiz will be better tailored to your possible "reality warp" (don't worry, we do not store any of this information). You can read a detailed Politifact analysis of the statement's validity by clicking the Answer link. After you complete the 10th question, we will give you your assessment. Statements are drawn from a pool of {{RawData.length}} so try more than once and have fun!

{{$index + 1}}). {{Stmt.QuestText}} {{$index + 1}}). {{Stmt.QuestText}} ({{Stmt.PolName}})

Score: {{NumCorrect}} of {{CurIndex}}



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